Step Three

Step Three: Begin the Design

Step Three is called “Begin the Design.”

Armed with your dreams, ideas, interests, values, identified beneficiaries, experiences, background and initial resources, this is where the creative process comes alive and begins to take some shape.

Here is where you speak your legacy vision – maybe for the first time, maybe one you’ve carried inside you for a long time – and begin to hone it.

That allows you to identify a mission – and begin to explore how you can bring your vision to life!  There may be many ways to do this, so you pick a place to start.  From there the creative process can get a bit messy and go in different directions, so you always have your underlying vision to guide you like a bright star in the night sky.

From there you can begin to manifest something you truly came here to do, that only you can do!

And again, our exercises and resources help you capture all the design pieces so you can build on them.

Click Here to read about Step Four in the process …

Click Here to start at the beginning …