Asking and actually being able to receive help, and an ability to share credit with the person providing it are three criteria that allow you to maximize power of working with a coach.
“We all need someone who can help us do what we already can.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are all in this together. Working together we can create more through the power of synergy. A coach holds you accountable so you get more done, but also supports your dreams and your work and helps you expand them. That way the power of one is multiplied.
None of us are indispensible, which is a relief. That realization allows us to make mistakes – which are simply learning experiences – and let go of some things altogether. If you don’t do it, someone else will – if it needs to be done at all. That’s not to say shirk your responsibilities. But it’s okay to bow out of commitments you have made in a responsible way, too – and best to do so before you let them overwhelm you.
And not one of us is running the universe, which is a good thing. The universe will continue to expand infinitely in accordance with the grand plan and design behind it. You need only go with the flow of it, doing what comes most joyfully to you, seeking to feel better about each step you take as you take it. That’s where your best efforts and creations come from. Do you even know what they are? A coach can help mirror your enthusiasm back to you, and help you recognize it and pursue more of what brings you joy. The world needs whatever that is, and you definitely don’t need to be slogging through life experiencing anything less.