My friend and fellow blogger Jeannette recently lost her beloved husband. Having been married only a few months now myself, but to someone who is the-love-of-my-life-like-I-had-no-idea-could-be, I can empathize with the depth of the void that loss must be.
A consumate writer, Jeannette wrote in her Write Speak Sell blog, a tribute to her husband describing what he left in the minds and hearts, not to mention lives of others — his legacy. It reminded me that we all have a legacy, however conscious we are of creating it, and others will be impacted by it. And they are most profoundly impacted by the things that we do, that we do well and happily because we are most passionate about them. Read Jeannette’s beautiful tribute here. It’s a legacy in itself, a legacy of tribute tangibly preserved and offered to the world in a way that will benefit many who read it.
She also included a lovely blog post from Seth Godin about decision making, concluding that recognizing and exercising our power to make decisions allows us to make a bigger difference. Very nicely stated.
When you let the notion of legacy develop in your own consciousness, what bubbles up about it? What does your life mean to others? What would you like it to mean? How might you get into action to create something tangible around your passions that will benefit others? The world needs more of that …
Thank you, Dolly, for doing a post about my husband’s legacy — a passion for life and learning. I miss him very much, but I will always have my wonderful memories of him and his legacy to his family and friends.