I recently wrote about Legacy-Level Holiday Gift-Giving Ideas. (If you missed it, you can read it here.) What makes something legacy-level gift giving? Much like legacies themselves, this level of gift-giving makes a positive difference – particularly, hopefully, a sustainable or long-term one and/or one that keeps on giving.
A number of the gift ideas in that article may not have seemed to make a tangible, sustainable difference directly. The point was to give with a small environmental footprint. So the legacy aspect of it was in what the gift ideas don’t do – they don’t add to waste and overconsumption, so they help promote long term environmental sustainability.
While ultimately practical and maybe not what folks would think of as really “sexy” or “magical” gifts, I just found a similar article that provides some additional alternative holiday gift ideas – as in alternative energy approaches. See Great Green Gift Ideas That Will Save You Money and Help the Environment to check out these practical, alternative gems.
So maybe you don’t want to use one of these gift ideas to that fabulous new person you’re dating and whose heart you’re trying to win. They may still be great for family members, those people on your list who “have everything” — or even as gifts for yourself (and that fabulous new date may well be practical and environmentally minded …). Since these gifts are good for environmental protection and ultimately help create a more sustainable planet, you may well be regarded as a real visionary and trend-setter – indeed, an impressive enlighted leader in your own right – through a very practical approach to legacy-level gift giving. That demonstration of leadership might just create a following, with people replicating your example, making your gift idea one that keeps on giving as well.
Every government should focus more on Alternative Energy so as not to be too dependent on Oil and avoid air pollution as well.”‘: