I’m pleased for the opportunity to share my personal legacy pursuits in ongoing fashion on this blog.  I hope everyone will take the opportunity to pursue their own, in one way or another.  Feel free to share what you’re doing here.  And I’d be really jazzed to help those of you who have big ideas you want to bring to fruition to do so – and make things just a little better in some corner of the world.

My original legacy story is detailed here. My ongoing legacy includes my continued involvement and engagement with the natural world.  I’ll be writing about those pursuits here from time to time.

I am endlessly fascinated by the fact that seeds planted in fertile ground will sprout and bear fruit.  The process is amazing, unpredictable and irreversible, and what is produced is unreconizable from the original:  the plant and fruit rarely resemble the seed, and who would think something as big as an oak tree would come out of a tiny acorn?  Nature seems to teach me that all of life is like this – from what’s happening in my garden to what’s happening in my and my entrepreneurial clients’ businesses and projects.

What learning from nature, and respect for its ecology, can help us produce is truly magical.