My own legacy includes a focus on my value for the preservation of nature. There is currently legislation in the United States attempting to deal with global climate change – which is, in fact, happening; and which, whether you believe is caused by human activities, will only be solved by human activities. Or rather changed behavior.
If you value the natural world, part of your developing legacy might be to regularly involve yourself in legislative issues affecting it and participating more actively in representative government. You don’t have to run for office to do this. One way to do it is to become more informed and then making your views – concerns and recommendations for action – known.
There is legislation currently pending before the U.S. Congress dealing with climate change, H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, known as ACES. What each of us with this legacy interest can do is learn more about it, AND ask our representatives to create meaningful law that benefits people and not special interests, better yet demand it.
A list of important items to include in that law was compiled by Jim Hansen, himself an actual rocket scientist – someone who I’m sure knows a lot more about all this than I (and most people, including our legislators) do. His latest views, concerns and recommendations were recently published at the Huffington Post blog. He also wrote a very clear summary of what needs to be done at the first of 2009, published at the online magazine Grist. Another source of good information is at
You can read the views of Hansen and others, and then use that information to write something to your congressional representatives. Here are links to find where to write representatives in the U.S. Senate and House.
Go for it! Be the change you want to see!!