by Dolly Garlo | Apr 25, 2012 | Blog
Here's a great story that started out as political activism, turned into philosophy and humor, and then expanded into a whole host of annual events that support a community and raise money for children in the foster care system. The History The date of that...
by Dolly Garlo | Mar 14, 2012 | Blog, Business Mastery, Designing Your Legacy, Life Balance/Harmony Among Life Arenas
Here's my definition of legacy: "a conscious and meaningful contribution of your authentic gifts, talents and resources that adds value in a lasting way." It’s not what comes to most people's minds, but think about it. Whether large or small,...
by Dolly Garlo | Dec 11, 2011 | Blog, Designing Your Legacy, Legacy Stories, Personal Legacy
This story is one of my favorite legacies, and stories in general. Like many great legacies, it had humble beginnings. It grew out of a simple work assignment, done with great heart. Its tangible form grew from a single work into a major franchise known the...
by Dolly Garlo | Nov 10, 2011 | Blog, Designing Your Legacy, Enlightened Leadership, Legacy Stories
Not because he's made more money and achieved more fame than most people, and has a way to finance the passions that fuel his legacy; not because he has buildings and cable stations named after him … At 72 years young, Ted Turner is a legacy role model...
by Dolly Garlo | Sep 12, 2011 | Blog, Designing Your Legacy, Legacy Stories, Meaning, Purpose
There are a beautiful poem and web movie that capture the essence of what Creating Legacy is all about. I've reprinted it below, with all attribution and gratitude to its author Michael Josephson. The poem and movie themselves are examples of what I would call...
by Dolly Garlo | Sep 9, 2011 | Blog, Enlightened Leadership, Legacy Stories, Personal Legacy, Positive Thoughts & Inspired Ideas, Women and Girls
Thanks to a great woman boomer legacy leader, Marlo Thomas, for her article on the young women who lost parents during the 09/11/01 events of 10 years ago. The "Daughters of 9/11" she profiles and asks us to listen to are also legacy...