by Dolly Garlo | Apr 27, 2011 | Blog, Designing Your Legacy, Enlightened Leadership, Legacy Stories, Video
Legacy is demonstrated in different currencies – not just money, but in bodies, creativity and spirit. Creating a movement is one way to build, live and leave a legacy, and here’s an amazing example: Bill McKibben speaking at PowerShift 2011 in Washington...
by Dolly Garlo | Mar 11, 2011 | Blog, Living Your Best Life, Meaning, Positive Thoughts & Inspired Ideas, Spirituality, Video
I sure hope so. This morning on the other side of the world, once again, the Ring of Fire snapped many people out of their alpha state thinking mode of going through their everyday motions, with big news. The earth errupted 80 miles off the coast of Sendai in...
by Dolly Garlo | Oct 19, 2010 | Blog, Enlightened Leadership, Legacy Stories, Meaning, Purpose, Video, Women and Girls
New Zealand’s Lizzie Gillett had a dream to make a difference. Her efforts may just help save the planet, too. She had an idea to tell an important story – before it is too late . As she tells it, she “stalked” the accomplished UK film...