by Dolly Garlo | Sep 9, 2011 | Blog, Enlightened Leadership, Legacy Stories, Personal Legacy, Positive Thoughts & Inspired Ideas, Women and Girls
Thanks to a great woman boomer legacy leader, Marlo Thomas, for her article on the young women who lost parents during the 09/11/01 events of 10 years ago. The "Daughters of 9/11" she profiles and asks us to listen to are also legacy...
by Dolly Garlo | Jun 14, 2011 | Blog, Designing Your Legacy, Legacy Stories, Meaning, Positive Thoughts & Inspired Ideas, Purpose, Women and Girls
Today, June 14, is Flag Day – and ironically it also is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Harriet Beecher Stowe. I love the story of her life and the legacy of words she wrote in a small novel that became a worldwide phenomenon. Not something a woman living...
by Dolly Garlo | May 7, 2011 | Blog, Personal Legacy, Women and Girls
Women know inherently that collaboration and community make it easier to do just about anything. It appears this is true when it comes determining the best ways to give back. Even billionaires feel that way. Dozens of them got together this past week in Tucson,...
by Dolly Garlo | Oct 29, 2010 | Blog, Enlightened Leadership, Life Balance/Harmony Among Life Arenas, Living Your Best Life, Women and Girls
Mamisma. What a great word. It was coined by publisher Harriet Rubin, author of The Princessa: Machiavelli for Women and Soloing: Realizing Your Life’s Ambition, and can best be described as the energy a mother bear has when she senses her cubs are in danger...
by Dolly Garlo | Oct 21, 2010 | Blog, Designing Your Legacy, Education, Personal Legacy, Positive Thoughts & Inspired Ideas, Women and Girls
There is much to do and many ways to set a course for good in this world! And Make A Difference Day on the fourth Saturday in October, is a great way to begin exploring your passion and potential legacy project. Here are a few extraordinary legacy project stories to...
by Dolly Garlo | Oct 19, 2010 | Blog, Enlightened Leadership, Legacy Stories, Meaning, Purpose, Video, Women and Girls
New Zealand’s Lizzie Gillett had a dream to make a difference. Her efforts may just help save the planet, too. She had an idea to tell an important story – before it is too late . As she tells it, she “stalked” the accomplished UK film...