Women know inherently that collaboration and community make it easier to do just about anything. It appears this is true when it comes determining the best ways to give back. Even billionaires feel that way. Dozens of them got together this past week in Tucson, Arizona as part of the Giving Pledge Gathering.
According to some of those present, they discussed the biggest mistakes they’d made in pursuing philanthropy, calling it a sometimes lonely job. They want to use care and not just throw money at causes, instead exploring how best to invest funds to tackle the world’s big problems. And they noted it is useful to share with other people who are pursuing the same efforts and sometimes struggling with decisions.
Think about how much more profound these issues are for people without billions behind them to afford numerous advisors. It was with that thought in mind that Creating Legacy was created as a network for just those people. Our clients are successful, but not billionaires. They’re more the Millionaire Next Door type, or, our particular focus Millionaire Women Next Door – folks who’ve worked and saved, invested and managed their money well, and now have significant funds, assets and other resources as well as time, energy and deep interests to bring to bear. They also want to give back and help improve the situations of people, places and things they care about.
According to DailyFinance.com the number of new millionaires in the U.S. is projected to double by 2020. They’ll be entering the discussion of how to properly manage their wealth, and how best to smartly give back in ways that are important and significant to them.
Not being billionaires, they share the concerns of managing their decisions well. They’re more alone than others, possibly being the first in their families to ever amass significant assets, and need a network and community as well – one that can also help them navigate what may be a new world of giving. It’s just about understanding the types of contributions they can make – there are so many ways in addition to just contributing funds, available to so many people if they choose to consider it. It’s also about who the advisors are that they need, how to find good ones and when and how to properly engage them. There is also the component of getting very clear on their authentic interests, and the best way to get engaged in these pursuits in a way that is joyful, rather than stressful. How to have the important conversations, knowing the language and the territory; how to involve family, or not; and setting out to build something great are all topics that need to be navigated and mastered for giving success.
It’s such a wonderful pursuit, when you are clear about what you’re doing and not floundering around trying to find the right people to help (and determine whether what they’re telling you is not only correct, but right for you.) Our 7 Steps To Creating Your Legacy program was built with all that in mind. To check out the steps click here and see what resonates with you. We’d love to share the program with you.
Please contact us for a no obligation consultation to find out more.
All the best to you,
Cheers, Dolly
It’s great to see all the work that you are doing with Creating Legacy!
So appreciate your feedback David!
Cheers, Dolly